Secuelas De La Violencia 1980-2000 Entre Los Becarios De La Beca REPARED. Un Estudio Cualitativo Sobre Las Secuelas Psicosociales


  • Nancy gabriel Sinche


psychological sequels, social sequels, political violence, fellows, REPARED scholarship


The purpose of this article is to gather information and describe the psychological and social consequences of a group of scholars and scholars of the REPARED scholarship Through a qualitative methodology six students from institutions of higher education in Lima were interviewed for the years 2012 2013 and 2014 The information obtained shows that the psychological consequences of political violence are maintained in the life of the fellows mood when presenting depressive states anxiety suffering fear and distrust towards the other with repercussions on their physical health As for the social consequences there are problems to socialize orphanhood family disintegration stigmatization discrimination and economic difficulties

How to Cite

Nancy gabriel Sinche. (2022). Secuelas De La Violencia 1980-2000 Entre Los Becarios De La Beca REPARED. Un Estudio Cualitativo Sobre Las Secuelas Psicosociales. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(G1), 53–61. Retrieved from

Secuelas De La Violencia 1980-2000 Entre Los Becarios De La Beca REPARED. Un  Estudio Cualitativo Sobre Las Secuelas Psicosociales

