Learning Gains in Higher Middle Education


  • Rodolfo Tuirán

  • José Luis Gaviria

  • Rubén Lugo

  • Daniel Hernández

  • Miriam Benítez


learning gains in mexico, higher middle education, differences in learning achievement among population groups


We present the results of the first national study on learning gains in Mexico related to the experiences of three generations of students who complete their higher middle education as of 2013 and until 2015 We used data from standardized third grade ENLACE tests from secondary schools and from third grade higher middle education ENLACE PLANEA exams The instruments contain anchor questions measuring similar constructs at two moments in time for the same students The comparison of students s learning achievement in these two evaluation moments allows us to identify that there was progress in their performance after having completed their higher middle education regardless of the institution some individual characteristics and the place where the school is located Bivariate and multivariate analyzes are presented identifying differences in the students learning gains according to the subsystem of higher middle education in which they studied the school shift attended the type of secondary school from which they came from and their sex among other variables


How to Cite

Rodolfo Tuirán, José Luis Gaviria, Rubén Lugo, Daniel Hernández, & Miriam Benítez. (2022). Learning Gains in Higher Middle Education. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(G3), 47–65. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/4047

Learning Gains in Higher Middle Education

