Learning from Your Own Interests. An Analysis of the VTS Methodology in Terms of Educational Theory and Learning Processes


  • Anna Guarro,



The question of whether to explain or know the artistic codes in the educational contexts to the art museums has reopened and is once again at the center of a lively debate The teaching of art in the Visual arts museums in Catalonia have been shaken in recent years by currents of reflection analysis and renewal that have advanced in parallel with those of the world of education Some learning and reflection methodologies around the work of art such as Visual Thinking Strategies they are re-examined for their educational potential in this new context This article is about they contrast with various seminal texts on how we learn at the neuronal level and in environments museological to analyze its potential


How to Cite

Anna Guarro,. (2022). Learning from Your Own Interests. An Analysis of the VTS Methodology in Terms of Educational Theory and Learning Processes. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(G3), 17–22. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/4043

Learning from Your Own Interests. An Analysis of the VTS Methodology in Terms of Educational Theory and Learning Processes

