Free Spirit: A Nietzschian Approach to the Concept of Identity


  • Eduardo Marcos Silva De Oliveira


nietzsche; free spirit; identity, body, conscience


This article will deal with the problem of identity based on Nietzschean philosophy We will try to approach how the theme is within a historicist approach in parallel describing how Nietzsche positions himself in relation to the problem in question We will approach how Nietzsche values the body as a criterion for an individual identity distinct from a collective identity in which consciousness presents itself as a psychosocial criterion in order to typify human life Likewise we will emphasize the theme with its definition of free spirit described in Human too human which according to our understanding best corresponds to the definition of the subject s authenticity in the face of the cultural impositions of tradition

How to Cite

Eduardo Marcos Silva De Oliveira. (2021). Free Spirit: A Nietzschian Approach to the Concept of Identity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(A11), 29–38. Retrieved from

Free Spirit: A Nietzschian Approach to the Concept of Identity

