Prenasalisation in Tonga (M64): A Morphosyntactic Perspective


  • Khama Hang’ombe



In this study I explore the influence use of the morphemen- in Tonga This morpheme is mainly viewed and or regarded as the first person singular pronoun in many Bantu languages In this study I argue that in addition to being a first person singular morpheme n- can also be used as a second person pronoun in Tonga It is shown in the study that the morpheme is in fact part of the discontinuous morpheme the other part of the discontinuous morpheme being the terminal vowel e Further I demonstrate that the tone on all the syllables succeeding ndetermines the semantic out-put of the syntactic unit resulting from prefixing n- to a verb I end by positing a rule for the phenomenon which I have suspected is endemic in other Bantu languages

How to Cite

Khama Hang’ombe. (2021). Prenasalisation in Tonga (M64): A Morphosyntactic Perspective. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(G3), 41–45. Retrieved from

Prenasalisation in Tonga (M64): A Morphosyntactic Perspective

