Jornalistas Em Direcaao As Instituicoes (1970-2010)


  • Vaniucha De Moraes


journalistic elite; biographies and memoirs; sociology of elites; history of the press; sociology of culture


By analyzing the conditions of production of the biographical and memorialistic records of the Brazilian journalistic elite that occurred between the dictatorial period and the years of redemocratization it was possible to enlighten structuring characteristics of the professional journalistic market its hierarchical structure internal conflicts forms of legitimation and constitutive elements of professional identity This paper presents part of an original research on the Brazilian journalistic elite Through this investigation it was possible to identify the spheres of activity and consecration of journalists - notably the press politics literature and the university - and the transposition of journalists to the State either as occupants of elective positions in the legislative power or in the public servants career in statutory positions of public universities a phenomenon that resulted in the increase of the production of memory and history in the scientific field This process is personified here by the exemplary cases of Ana Arruda Callado Bernardo Kucinski and Fernando Gabeira

How to Cite

Vaniucha De Moraes. (2020). Jornalistas Em Direcaao As Instituicoes (1970-2010). Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(A15), 9–24. Retrieved from

Jornalistas Em Direcaao As Instituicoes (1970-2010)

