Unidentified Flying Objects: Implications on Global Peace and Security


  • Nare Hilary


unidentified flying objects (UFO), extra terrestrial, global peace and security


Innumerable intricate perilous conundrums have swamped various states across the world threatening international peace and security in the 21st Century These threats to international peace and security range from arms proliferation both small and Weapons of Mass Destruction to terrorism striving in North Africa and the Middle East and intrastate group fights inter alia cyber threats among others These problems are and have been a menace to peaceful existence of states and the securitisation of individuals in the entire international milieu Most authors have written extensively from various windows on these problems which have been facing humanity and states have joined hands in countless multilateral efforts to combat some of these problems Conversely the issue of Unidentified Flying Objects has been snubbed in the international peace and security discourse in spite of the conceivable threats that these objects pose or may pose to humanity The subject of Unidentified Flying Objects has been contentious principally the existence of these unearth like objects despite evidence from various countries that reveal incidences of the manifestation of these unidentifiable humanoids In this way this research seeks to add to the distant voices that have warned states of another threat that could be more extreme than most of the sociopolitico economic and even environmental challenges that have engulfed nation-stations since the times of yore The central argument in the paper is that the continued presence of unidentified flying objects whether as projects of the major powers in the world or as aliens from other planets presents a problem which states should be prepared to decisively deal with in times of need For years unidentified flying objects have been seen around the world but their intention source and what really they are has not been determined and this is a foundation for concern apropos global peace and security The paper also focuses on providing po

How to Cite

Nare Hilary. (2018). Unidentified Flying Objects: Implications on Global Peace and Security. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 18(H2), 15–20. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/2493

Unidentified Flying Objects: Implications on Global Peace and Security

