On the Heterogeneity in Longevity among Socioeconomic Groups: Scope, Trends, and Implications for Earnings-Related Pension Schemes


  • Robert Holzmann

  • Mercedes Ayuso

  • Jorge Miguel Bravo


life expectancy, gender, life annuities, lifetime income, implicit tax, implicit subsidy


Heterogeneity in longevity between socioeconomic groups is increasingly documented for developed economies and is reviewed in the paper Heterogeneity in life expectancy disaggregated by main socioeconomic characteristics such as age gender race health education profession income and wealth is sizable and has not declined in recent decades The prospects for future decline are not strong either perhaps even to the contrary As heterogeneity is closely linked to income or earnings i e the contribution base of earnings-related retirement income programs such as social security benefits and private sector life annuities and as heterogeneity is empirically sizable the result is major implicit taxes for some groups particularly the less educated and low earners and major subsidies for other groups particularly highly educated individuals and high-income earners The implications for retirement income reform and scheme design are substantial as taxes subsidies counteract the envisaged effects of i a closer contribution-benefit link ii a later formalretirement age to address population aging and iii more individual funding and private annuities to compensate forreduced public generosity

How to Cite

Robert Holzmann, Mercedes Ayuso, & Jorge Miguel Bravo. (2017). On the Heterogeneity in Longevity among Socioeconomic Groups: Scope, Trends, and Implications for Earnings-Related Pension Schemes. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 17(E1), 31–57. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/1961

On the Heterogeneity in Longevity among Socioeconomic Groups: Scope, Trends, and Implications for Earnings-Related Pension Schemes

