Understanding of the Neorealist, Constructionist and Relative Deprivation Theories: A phenomenological Study of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with Practice Application of Integrative Negotiation


  • Herve Muyo


valuable qualitative, cultural identity, constructionist and relative deprivation


This study discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a type of an international conflict This paper employed three international relations theories to analyze the Israeli- Palestinian conflict The three theories used were the neorealist constructionist and relative deprivation This paper discussed the conceptual frame of each theory its major thinkers as well as its strengths and weaknesses This study employed phenomenological method to research the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because phenomenology is a valuable qualitative approach to studying human experience This study argued that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is considered to be one of the drivers of the security threat and the rise of terrorism in the Middle East and the world This research stressed that the study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is important because it shed light on the differing views on security cultural identity and religious beliefs of the parties

How to Cite

Herve Muyo. (2015). Understanding of the Neorealist, Constructionist and Relative Deprivation Theories: A phenomenological Study of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with Practice Application of Integrative Negotiation. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 15(A7), 7–18. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/1500

Understanding of the Neorealist, Constructionist and Relative Deprivation Theories: A phenomenological Study of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with Practice Application of Integrative Negotiation

