Creative Minds in the Classroom


  • Ligia Stella Quemba Plazas


creativity, art, arts, originality


This article exposes the research project entitled creative minds in the classroom is a didactic strategy that was developed in the educational institution Juan Jos Reyes Patria of the municipality of G meza being an institution of an official nature based on the constructivist model the main objective develop the creative competence through a didactic proposal mediated by the originality of the child The project focused on the individuality imagination and creativity that allows students to form a creative personality where they know their talents backed by personalized creative work and oriented to the educational community


How to Cite

Ligia Stella Quemba Plazas. (2024). Creative Minds in the Classroom. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 24(G3), 91–94. Retrieved from

Creative Minds in the Classroom

