Alfabetizacao Cientifica Nos Anos Finais Do Ensino Fundamental: Fermentacao Do Leite Como Meio De Ensino Em Ciências


  • Denílson Elias Lima Silva

  • Nixon José do Santos Reis Junior

  • João Ricardo Souza do Rêgo

  • Felipe Magno da Cruz Junior


literacy; fundamental; fermentation


The following pages contain a qualitative study designed and carried out to understand the assumptions characteristics and evidence of Scientific Literacy in Elementary School Final Years The study data were collected in a ninth-grade classroom of a state public school in the Get lio Vargas village belonging to the municipality of Terra Alta These are data from the survey of voice recording of the entire classes and the written work and or activities produced by the students in addition to all the teaching material provided to them during classes We started our research by reviewing the topic Scientific Literacy through fermentation in the production of artisan yoghurt in national and international literature on Science Didactics through which we found information that allowed us to propose the structuring axes of Scientific Literacy These axes are considered in our research for the analysis of activities that make up a didactic sequence involving discussions in which the same topic is discussed taking into account scientific knowledge and technologies through local knowledge

How to Cite

Denílson Elias Lima Silva, Nixon José do Santos Reis Junior, João Ricardo Souza do Rêgo, & Felipe Magno da Cruz Junior. (2022). Alfabetizacao Cientifica Nos Anos Finais Do Ensino Fundamental: Fermentacao Do Leite Como Meio De Ensino Em Ciências. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(G2), 21–32. Retrieved from

Alfabetizacao Cientifica Nos Anos Finais Do Ensino Fundamental: Fermentacao Do Leite Como Meio De Ensino Em  Ciências

