Is Islam Misogynic?


  • Dr. Vesna StankoviA PejnoviA

  • Dr. Jana Ilieva


islam, women, qur’an, sunnah, modern legislations


The famous floscule that women have no rights in Islam and are subjected to imminent subordination and oppression is true at least from the contextual point of view The basis of the rights of women in Islam derives from the Qur an which with respect to women has adopted one egalitarian approach women are spiritually and morally equal to men Unfortunately the huge collection of Sunnah along with the Hadiths as a creative and exclusively man s process do not cherish the egalitarian exegesis of the Qur an thus contains many negative ideas in the context of women which reflects their position in some Muslim societies today Thus one gets wrongly impression that the whole Islamic thought is misogynic

How to Cite

Dr. Vesna StankoviA PejnoviA, & Dr. Jana Ilieva. (2013). Is Islam Misogynic?. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 13(F7), 31–35. Retrieved from

Is Islam Misogynic?

