Poetics of Life a Study of Human Movement in a Somatic Perspective


  • Lis Engel



All the joints of my body were breathing alive and dancing it was a feeling of open presence a sparkling feeling of being totally alive Engel 2006 p 110 eller 2007 FQS Our research interest is focused on experiential understandings of human movement dynamics and experiential dimensions of joy and aliveness as important qualitative dimensions of lived practices

How to Cite

Lis Engel. (2013). Poetics of Life a Study of Human Movement in a Somatic Perspective. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 13(A5), 17–24. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/803

Poetics of Life a Study of Human Movement in a Somatic Perspective

