Economic Empowerment Model of Coastal Communities


  • Gus Rukin Sidoarjo


development economy, empowerment, coastal communities


The research was conducted to determine the level of economic empowerment of coastal communities By using qualitative methods it has been found that the economic level of coastal villages is still low This is because the community has not been able to take advantage of business opportunities from coastal natural resources The unsuitable lifestyle of the people also triggers the low level of their economy The government does not provide them with entrepreneurship education To overcome this problem the role of the government is expected to empower the economic level One solution that can be taken is improving public policies related to the economic development model of coastal village communities In addition an understanding of business is needed to find opportunities that exist


How to Cite

Gus Rukin Sidoarjo. (2022). Economic Empowerment Model of Coastal Communities. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(E3), 53–59. Retrieved from

Economic Empowerment Model of Coastal Communities

