The Uncertainty of a Tripolar World: The Return of Militaristic Geopolitics and the Relevance of Geoeconomics in the First Decades of the 21st Century. A Brief Mention about the Russia-Ukraine Conflict


  • Priscila Palacio


tripolar world – United States – China – Russia – geopolitics – geoeconomics – Ukraine


After the attacks of September 11 2001 and the global paradigm shift that event produced the world witnessed a resurgence of interest in geopolitics -especially in its militaristic aspect which came hand in hand with a new geoeconomics in the twenty-one century The rise of China as a world economic power was accompanied by that country s intention to occupy an increasingly predominant international political role For its part the economic recovery of Russia in the first decade of this millennium revived the country s desire to rebuild the power that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics once wielded Both actors eager to assume a leading international economic and political role have collided on numerous occasions with the interests of the United States a country that went from being considered a unipolar power to making explicit the great economic fragilities that have been undermining the foundations of its international power


How to Cite

Priscila Palacio. (2022). The Uncertainty of a Tripolar World: The Return of Militaristic Geopolitics and the Relevance of Geoeconomics in the First Decades of the 21st Century. A Brief Mention about the Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(E3), 19–35. Retrieved from

The Uncertainty of a Tripolar World: The Return of Militaristic Geopolitics and the Relevance of Geoeconomics in the First Decades of the 21st Century. A Brief Mention about the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

