Where and Why are Women Being Murdered? Analysing Narratives of FEMICIDE in TJMG Decisions


  • Luiz Antonio Soares Júnior


femicide; feminism; violence against women; gender


The present work which is part of the research carried out for my master s degree aims to discuss the most common motivations and places of femicide in Minas Gerais according to an analysis of data from processes that reached the Jury Court between 2015 and 2019 From this analysis it is also possible to think about the importance of implementing public policies to combat it As a result of the research it is observed that femicide should be analysed as a social phenomenon that arises from a society that even today reveals asymmetries linked to gender understood here as an analytical category that expands the understanding of social relations and the construction learning of masculinity It is also noted that feminism had a great relevance against femicide and against other forms of violence against women

How to Cite

Luiz Antonio Soares Júnior. (2021). Where and Why are Women Being Murdered? Analysing Narratives of FEMICIDE in TJMG Decisions. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(F6), 1–19. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3894

Where and Why are Women Being Murdered? Analysing Narratives of FEMICIDE in TJMG Decisions

