Uses of Money in the Early Days of Colonial Brazil: The Coins and their Stories


  • Vagner Carvalheiro Porto

  • Juliana Figueira da Hora



What history of colonial period Brazil can coins medals and decorations tell Could it tell us more than Official History has offered What memory can we preserve or rescue Carlos Drummond de Andrade in his book Claro Enigma when referring to memory tells us that finished things much more than beautiful yes of course must remain 1 As Drummond s poem suggests coins preserve memories purposes rescues homelands physical places mental places This small but powerful object that has existed for over two thousand and five hundred years2 emanates power disseminates intentions reveals cultures and identities These same identities and cultural history that decoded in the choices of the signs of power Chartier 1990 220 reveal themselves in monetary iconography For that matter Karl-Joachim H lkeskamp3 explains that cultural memories need spaces and places to happen not only physically but also rituals festivals commemorative dates images and texts And all these places all these cultural manifestations somehow are displayed in coins they are in the coins Jacques Le Goff 2003 also believes that memory is a crucial element of what is understood by identity whether individual or collective and the search for identity is one of the essential activities of individuals and society itself

How to Cite

Vagner Carvalheiro Porto, & Juliana Figueira da Hora. (2021). Uses of Money in the Early Days of Colonial Brazil: The Coins and their Stories. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(D3), 47–52. Retrieved from

Uses of Money in the Early Days of Colonial Brazil: The Coins and their Stories

