Differences in Style in the Plots of the Song Poetry of the Volga Turks


  • M.G. Kondratyev


chuvash, volga tatars, commonality and difference of folklore traditions, song plot, style of folk


Chuvash and Tatars are two Turkic-speaking peoples formed in the Volga region The commonality of their folklore traditions has deep historical and genetic roots This concerns in particular the typology of the song plot described through the concept of short-plot as a kind of Eastern poetic aphoristics The main difference between the Chuvash and Tatar plots lies in the poetic style In the Chuvash it is communal due to the content of the rites The archaic ritual culture of the Volga Tatars underwent cardinal transformations under the influence of Islam This explains the emphasized personal sometimes intimate-exquisite style of their song plot A comparison of Chuvash and Tatar subjects shows that their differences lie outside the common cultural and genetic heritage of the ancestors of the two neighboring peoples Ritualism introduced by Islamic preachers for centuries in the culture of the Volga Tatars replaced the primordial local carnival style As a result the genre nature and style of folk song poetry have changed

How to Cite

M.G. Kondratyev. (2021). Differences in Style in the Plots of the Song Poetry of the Volga Turks. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(A12), 55–59. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3830

Differences in Style in the Plots of the Song Poetry of the Volga Turks

