Youth and Adult Education and Evaluation Methodology


  • Elielba Nascimento Reis


EJA, learning assessment, exams, inclusion


In the present work we analyze how the practice of learning assessment occurs in Youth and Adult Education EJA in order to answer the problem question which is to what extent the assessment process contributes to the exclusion of students from Youth and Adult Education Adults EJA Outlining the profile of these students and making them understand the ways that enable their exclusion inclusion in school from the evaluation process The method used to prepare this article includes the research of important theoretical foundations based on authors such as Freire 1998 Hoffmann 2002 Perrenoud 1999 and Luckesi 1990

How to Cite

Elielba Nascimento Reis. (2021). Youth and Adult Education and Evaluation Methodology. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(G9), 39–46. Retrieved from

Youth and Adult Education and Evaluation Methodology

