Efficiency Analysis of the National Support Measures for the SME Sector in the Russian Federation during the Pandemic


  • Glukhov Konstantin

  • Chebashev Ilya

  • Mikhalevsky Alexey


government support measures, anti-crisis measures, small and medium-sized enterprises,


The article represents an aggregate analysis of the legal and economic measures pointed on SME s national support during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as detailed research of the appropriate legislative acts governing particular aspects of credit anti-crisis support There are inferences about the SME sector s condition based on statistical data during the crisis period introduced and specific negative trends associated with the impact of the pandemic identified Furthermore the article focuses on a detailed examination of foreign experience in the anti-crisis support measures field There were scientific research methods used such as analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign anti-crisis measures as a part of this article

How to Cite

Glukhov Konstantin, Chebashev Ilya, & Mikhalevsky Alexey. (2021). Efficiency Analysis of the National Support Measures for the SME Sector in the Russian Federation during the Pandemic. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(E3), 1–6. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3674

Efficiency Analysis of the National Support Measures for the SME Sector in the Russian Federation during the Pandemic

