The Inscription as a Testimony of Biculturalism: The Case of the Ara del Sol Sanctissimus


  • Dra. Giuditta Cavalletti


ara del sol sanctissimus, epigraphy, palmyra, rome


The objective of this article is to learn more about the phenomenon of bilingualism and biculturalism that can be traced in Roman epigraphic manifestations taking as an object of study the monument known as Ara del Sol Sanctissimus created by the Palmyrene community living in Rome To achieve our task we will refer first to some of the most significant characteristics of Roman epigraphy to the relations between Rome and Palmyra and finally we will address the study of the components of the document that we are interested in analyzing on this occasion In this way the importance that epigraphic sources cover in our knowledge of some aspects related to the ancient Roman world will be shown

How to Cite

Dra. Giuditta Cavalletti. (2021). The Inscription as a Testimony of Biculturalism: The Case of the Ara del Sol Sanctissimus. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(C2), 1–10. Retrieved from

The Inscription as a Testimony of Biculturalism: The Case of the Ara del Sol Sanctissimus

