Martin Heidegger and his Way to Ontotheology


  • Jacek Surzyn


being, entity, the last god, heidegger, sign, ontotheology, enowning, essential swaying


In this article I attempt to present Heidegger s conception of the ontotheology in his late thought I based mainly on his famous book Contributions to Philosophy From Enowning In ontotheology Heidegger needs the figure of the last god to show the very path to being itself It is not the God of religion but the proper god of metaphysics the god of other beginning which using a sign Wink points Dasein the right direction It seems to be a key to the meaning of ontotheology itself The problem of ontotheology is presented against the backdrop of several of the most important contexts of Heidegger s thought manifested in Contributions the problem of being itself and the path to it or the problem of the last god and his sign

How to Cite

Jacek Surzyn. (2021). Martin Heidegger and his Way to Ontotheology. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(A1), 27–30. Retrieved from

Martin Heidegger and his Way to Ontotheology

