Assessing Pre-retirement Training Methods: A Case Study of Federal Teaching Hospitals in Southwestern Nigeria


  • M. Ayodele Bello, PhD


retirement, pre-retirement, training, pension and empowerment


The Nigerian public service has undergone several reforms pension reforms monetisation reforms restructuring and repositioning of ministries anti corruption pre-retirement training among others The conditions of many retirees in Nigeria and the problems they are facing have attracted attention of late Among others the problems being faced by retirees include loss of the usual monthly salary anxiety about a residential home lack of occupation dwindling status decreased strength and deteriorated health condition physical disabilities aging and sudden loss of life The Nigerian economy is facing serious challenges hence there is need for pre-retirement planning strategies to combat and manage the impending pains and stress in retirement It is important to note from the onset that among the different categories of workers in the labour force in Nigeria the workers approaching retirement and the retired workers should be a great concern Agnew 2013 Even those who are looking forward to retirement usually feel a deep sense of loss

How to Cite

M. Ayodele Bello, PhD. (2021). Assessing Pre-retirement Training Methods: A Case Study of Federal Teaching Hospitals in Southwestern Nigeria. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(G1), 49–58. Retrieved from

Assessing Pre-retirement Training Methods: A Case Study of Federal Teaching Hospitals in Southwestern Nigeria

