Model of Representations of Human Capital in Aging, Youth and Childhood


  • Cruz García Lirios


security, propaganda, social representations, attitudes, identity


Studies of propaganda security warn youth and old age 1 the systematic dissemination of crimes Attributed to political corruption 2 state advertising as legitimate security administrator His rectory 3 the delegitimation of Citizens to Consider them incapable of preventative crime Initiatives 4 are excluded by the industries older Assuming That They are incapable of self-monitoring and selfcare Specify a model for studying the effects of advertising social security in the representations of aging youth and old age A non-experimental retrospective and exploratory study with a nonrandom was Conducted selection of indexed sources - Dialnet Latindez Redalic- the discretion of explanatory variables Between correlations paths The model included three hypotheses to Explain the paths of correlations Between four and seven indicators constructs for each The revised theoretical conceptual and empirical frameworks warn the inclusion of other variables such as helplessness self-control farsightedness beliefs attitudes and intentions That would complement the specified model

How to Cite

Cruz García Lirios. (2020). Model of Representations of Human Capital in Aging, Youth and Childhood. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(A20), 21–24. Retrieved from

Model of Representations of Human Capital  in Aging, Youth and Childhood

