Rethinking Probability of Eclectic Approach in the Post-Method Era: A Study for Making English Teaching-Learning Effective in Bangladesh


  • Md. Khairul Bashar



Eclecticism: The practice of deriving ideas or styles from a diverse range of sources Post method Era: The time after the period of the method


For effective English teaching and learning in Bangladesh probability of Eclecticism can be rethought To do so the concept of the post-method era is to be implemented Both Eclecticism and post-method pedagogy put much emphasis on the effectiveness of pedagogy For a context like Bangladesh it is very important to formulate culture and context-sensitive need-based pedagogy as there is a lack of effective pedagogy As the earlier pedagogy failed to produce competent English language users in Bangladesh it is time to formulate need-based appropriate pedagogy The present study has been undertaken to consider the existing teaching-learning realities of Bangladesh in the post-method era and suggest effective pedagogy based on the concept of Eclectic Approach

How to Cite

Md. Khairul Bashar. (2020). Rethinking Probability of Eclectic Approach in the Post-Method Era: A Study for Making English Teaching-Learning Effective in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(A19), 13–17.

Rethinking Probability of Eclectic Approach in the Post-Method Era: A Study for Making English Teaching-Learning Effective in Bangladesh

