The Need for Virtual Learning in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions of Learning in the Face of COVID-19 and After


  • Whyte Stella Tonye


virtual learning, covid-19 pandemic


The global world woke up facing the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic but where is Nigeria tertiary institutions in virtual learning at the face of this pandemic and after This study discusses the need for the adoption and implementation of virtual learning in Nigerian tertiary institutions Recommendations to adopt virtual learning during and post COVID-19 were also discussed An exploratory qualitative research method was used to explore what constitutes virtual learning and the need for its implementation in Nigeria Educational loss cannot be statistically estimated during a global shut down because of its social value as would be accounted for in decline in humanity and economy In primary and secondary institutions and to higher institutions there is a complete stoppage of the face-to-face method of teaching and learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic The seeming fire brigade approach interventions being deployed in some States result from no initial functional learning applications on the ground The unscientific mode of content delivery in many institutions of learning is outdated even in a dynamic world and moving to the G-5 technology Teachers still in their archaic manner go to the classrooms with outdated learning materials and deliver the contents in that form Unpreparedness to the future of learning in Nigeria has compromised the kind of emergency the world is now facing

How to Cite

Whyte Stella Tonye. (2020). The Need for Virtual Learning in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions of Learning in the Face of COVID-19 and After. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(G9), 27–33. Retrieved from

The Need for Virtual Learning in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions of Learning in the Face of COVID-19 and After

