The Being in Becoming or the Becoming-Man of the Son of God: Rahner and the Enunciation of the Logos in Becoming


  • Andre Luis Araujo


the being –the becoming –the son of god –the becoming-man


If discourse analysis fails to account for the infinite realities of the divine Logos this would not prevent us from trying to discover within the limits of the analogy that syntactic operations could correspond to such characteristics of the enunciation of the divine Logos and its self-communication in the perspectives of Karl Rahner and Joseph Moingt After all it will be in the operations of a kind of theological syntax that we will be able to search for such grammar because these operations undoubtedly assume that theology points to a discourse and consequently to the existence of a theological language A grammar of relations evokes and therefore announces The Being in becoming revealing a God who speaks and who would not speak through the opacity of Creation if he did not speak before in Himself not to Himself but to others in Himself a true dialogical Logos

How to Cite

Andre Luis Araujo. (2020). The Being in Becoming or the Becoming-Man of the Son of God: Rahner and the Enunciation of the Logos in Becoming. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(A10), 1–20. Retrieved from

The Being in Becoming or the Becoming-Man of the Son of God: Rahner and the Enunciation of the Logos in Becoming

