Epidemics during Grand Solar Minima


  • Alexey Ju. Retejum


epidemics, solar activity, the earth disturbance, cycles


Historical and geographical study of epidemics that affected the population of the Old World from the Stone Age to the present day shows that their development took place against the background of major anomalies in various geospheres Obviously an important role in the spread of pathogenic organisms was played by the situation of solar minima which reveal a centuries-old cyclical repeatability The last change in the periods of the 179-year and 1430-year cycles of the Solar system and the biosphere occurred in April 1990 The events of recent years and months follow a General pattern

How to Cite

Alexey Ju. Retejum. (2020). Epidemics during Grand Solar Minima. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(B3), 19–40. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3267

Epidemics during Grand Solar Minima

