Problems and Doings of Elementary Education for Girls in the Char Region: An Observational Study from the Teachers Perspective.


  • Dr. Prosannajid Sarkar



Education is the way to live well in this vast workplace Education exposes us to creativity adapting to the surrounding world Education is the key to development The scope of education is very wide and broad Very important in terms of education Education is a human process that directs a person to the desired behavior in order to achieve a specific goal Education is behind any civilization change Education reaches the nation at its peak And education is the mainstay of development of any country And the basic premise of education is primary education Different types and levels of education have been seen in the social system of Bangladesh since ancient times One of these levels is the elementary education level It is through this stage that a child begins to receive the most important education in his life It is through this education that she gradually begins to grow as a child In Bangladesh s education structure primary education is divided into two levels 1 Pre-primary education level 2 Primary education level Pre-primary education has been organized to ensure the development of universal humanitarian scholarship and the necessary mental and physical preparation such as infinite curiosity infinite curiosity joy and endless enthusiasm for the child to begin formal education for the child

How to Cite

Dr. Prosannajid Sarkar. (2020). Problems and Doings of Elementary Education for Girls in the Char Region: An Observational Study from the Teachers Perspective. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(H1), 27–34. Retrieved from

Problems and Doings of Elementary Education for Girls in the Char Region: An Observational Study from the Teachers Perspective.

