Mapping International Relations: A Model for Analysis


  • Alfredo Juan Guevara Martinez

  • Karina Stange Calandrin


decision process; theory; nested games


The main goal of this article is to build up an analytic model that could be used as a tool for mapping contexts of international relations phenomena thus to help observers obtain a broad and detailed view of their area of interest For any study of international relations the context it is of most importance given that this field of research analyses human phenomena of large scale The international relations involve the widest level of human relations because such relations are the result of a large number of interconnected variables Independent of the way of approach in this research area either structural regional domestic or even individual the phenomena observed from international relations perspective are always linked to a context that cannot be ignored In most cases the context itself if well mapped and interpreted - contains most of the answers for questions posed To accomplish the goal presented we will present in a theoretical discussion of analysis models from the field of political science specifically the multiple arenas model from Tsebelis 1990 combined with some concepts of Alisson and Zelikow s Bureaucratic model 1990 Those concepts will be mixed with the two- level game logic from Robert Putnam 1988

How to Cite

Alfredo Juan Guevara Martinez, & Karina Stange Calandrin. (2020). Mapping International Relations: A Model for Analysis. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(H1), 1–9. Retrieved from

Mapping International Relations: A Model for Analysis

