Head, Heart and Hands on- Concerning, Concrete, Visual and Creative Methods in Supervision


  • Christina Lowenborg



This article describes how creative methodology can be applied to different types of professional conversation The method is used in part in supervision with professionals working in human care professions and in part in psychotherapeutic and psychosocial conversations with patients clients The article focuses on supervision for professionals working in human care professions In addition to its beneficial effect in training supervision has proved to be a strategically important area for the development of professional skills It has a potentially significant impact on everyday work given that it is often performed over a protracted period and is closely linked to practical actions Egelund 2001 Supervision is used to address a number of significant themes The issue may have to do with the staff s own feelings towards a client or the attitudes and methods they apply in their work It may also center on how professionals can better understand the actions behavior of their clients It may have to do with ethical dilemmas in the work or relationships with working partners It may concern working relationships within the working group or feature therapy-like input for personal development H jer Beijer Wiss 2007

How to Cite

Christina Lowenborg. (2019). Head, Heart and Hands on- Concerning, Concrete, Visual and Creative Methods in Supervision. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(A13), 15–24. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3052

Head, Heart and Hands on- Concerning, Concrete, Visual and Creative Methods in Supervision

