An Unpublished Fragment of Papyrus Concerning a Pledge


  • Dr. Ayman Waziry


fragment, papyrus, pledge, demotic, saft el-henna, el-suwa, tell-basta


This study focuses on a fragment of papyrus concerning a pledge published for the first time the residue of this papyrus is preserved in the museum store of Tell-Basta under the registration number 1125 The shape of this fragment is of unequal sides the material of writing is ink It is written in one of four scripts of ancient Egyptian language which is probably a demotic script consisting of nine thick lines were transcribed in a horizontal way By studying and researching some questions and difficulties arose and therefore needed to be addressed There are questions such as Is this fragment of papyrus written in a demotic script Or is it written in an abnormal hieratic because there is a name that can be read Hr-m-hb As for difficulties here are some examples There is a dating formula without a royal name or a cartouche also without official titles and witnesses therefore there is no dating Besides there are lacunae that were a major cause for the lack of clarity of the full context

How to Cite

Dr. Ayman Waziry. (2019). An Unpublished Fragment of Papyrus Concerning a Pledge. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(D2), 29–45. Retrieved from

An Unpublished Fragment of Papyrus Concerning a Pledge

