Policy History of Connection Curriculum for Kindergartens and Elementary Schools in Japan


  • Atsushi FURUYA



In recent years learner-centered is required as that is remarkable in the new guidelines for teaching announced in 2017 But the current situation surrounding education still does not throw off the competition and confusion based on the old-fashioned paradigm of visualized academic ability Under such circumstances the figures that it is desirable to grow by the end of early childhood was shown In this article I tried to examine the value of the Context of Each Child in the connection period from early childhood education to elementary school education through the overview of the policy history of the history of the collaboration between kindergarten and elementary school

How to Cite

Atsushi FURUYA. (2019). Policy History of Connection Curriculum for Kindergartens and Elementary Schools in Japan. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(G7), 1–12. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/2951

Policy History of Connection Curriculum for Kindergartens and Elementary Schools in Japan

