The Origin of Language: A Perspective of Meditation Shifting Towards Needs Satisfaction


  • Dr. Zhongxin Dai

  • Jun Liu


origin of language, meditation shifting, needs satisfaction


This paper discusses the origin of language from the perspective of meditation towards the needs satisfaction of communication Labor played a crucial part in the creation and shaping of man himself and his body parts and also in the creation of language Labor forced man to meditate on the void left between what he needed and the means to satisfy his needs Man shifted his meditation from the needs to needs satisfaction which resulted in the creation of tools typical representatives of human culture The ability to shift meditation towards tool making is a prelude to the creation of language The ability to conduct meditation shifting is what distinguishes man from other animals This ability has been woven into the genetic structure of man and has become man s innate trait

How to Cite

Dr. Zhongxin Dai, & Jun Liu. (2012). The Origin of Language: A Perspective of Meditation Shifting Towards Needs Satisfaction. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 12(A4), 1–5. Retrieved from

The Origin of Language: A Perspective of Meditation Shifting Towards Needs Satisfaction

