De- Essentialising the State of Casteism as an Inhuman Practice in the Contemporary Times


  • Mudasir Rahman Najar



This paper is written to attempt to highlight the historical wrongs that have been done to certain mistakenly defined marginalized communities These communities have been made to suffer due to some social cultural and religious myths that have unjustly been consolidated throughout the ages Factually there has been some apparent evidence onground situation that are inhuman and illogical from ethical point of view An urgent need arises to highlight the unjust state of so-called low caste communities and the immediate initiative must be taken by the guardians of the nation to reclaim the lost respect related to these marginalized communities Only then there would be caste-free society wherein multicultural and good inter-caste relations would be possible in terms of social harmony and that an elevated mental state with co-operative spirit for tolerance would be a step forward to humanism

How to Cite

Mudasir Rahman Najar. (2019). De- Essentialising the State of Casteism as an Inhuman Practice in the Contemporary Times. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(A9), 19–22. Retrieved from

De- Essentialising the State of Casteism as an Inhuman Practice in the Contemporary Times

