Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Investment in Bangladesh


  • Hamida Begum

  • Nurun Nahar Akhi




This study examines the impact of foreign direct investment inflows on domestic investment in Bangladesh by using time series data for the period of 1978 to 2017 Gross Capital Formation GCF is used as dependent variable which is proxy of domestic investment and Foreign Direct Investment FDI broad money M2 export EX are used as independent variables ADF test is used for testing stationary of taken variables in the model Hence some variables are stationary at level and one is at first difference Autoregressive Distributed Lag ARDL estimation technique is used to accomplish the analysis The result shows that in the long run and short run there is a positive but insignificant relation between foreign direct investment and domestic investment and relationship between export and domestic investment also positive and significant

How to Cite

Hamida Begum, & Nurun Nahar Akhi. (2019). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Investment in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(E6), 1–9. Retrieved from

Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Investment in Bangladesh

