Purdah and the Vulnerabilities among the Widowed Garments Workers: A Gender Perspective


  • Pratima Dev


purdah, vulnerability, social exclusion, widowhood


Vulnerability has long been accepted as an important factor to introduce the garments widow women as excluded subjugated under privileged and underpowered It affects the ability of the survivors to recover from multidimensional impacts In this paper the main target is to disclose the real scenario of vulnerable widow women and the overall purdah impact on them because purdah terminated vulnerability of these women in a massive way The vulnerability is not only an outcome of localized and individual dimensions like age gender and marital status but that they have deeper relations with national and global powers who perpetuate institutionalized discrimination in such systems and how they are unable to give those group of women to give these assistance to live with dignity In that case the widow become more vulnerable feel lack of insecurity and valueless in the society Here in this paper the research is divided into three parts- a first of all the relationship between Vulnerability and Widow Women b secondly he relationship between exclusion and widowhood and c finally The relationship among exclusion poverty and widowhood

How to Cite

Pratima Dev. (2018). Purdah and the Vulnerabilities among the Widowed Garments Workers: A Gender Perspective. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 18(C5), 25–30. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/2753

Purdah and the Vulnerabilities among the Widowed Garments Workers: A Gender Perspective

