La Violencia En La Sierra y Costa De MichoacAn, 1940-1980


  • Enrique Guerra Manzo


violence; mexican state; coast and mountain range, Michoacán


The violence problem between 1940 and 1980 in Coast and Mountain Range Michoac n has been complex The present paper argues that is easier to explain this kind of problem if we separate different waves and kinds of violence in this period instrumental violence agrarian violence delinquency drugs and ritual violence vendettas pistolerismo Every violence form has its own logic and temporality But all of them are intertwined sometimes with more intensity and other with less

How to Cite

Enrique Guerra Manzo. (2018). La Violencia En La Sierra y Costa De MichoacAn, 1940-1980. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 18(D1), 1–8. Retrieved from

La Violencia En La Sierra y Costa De MichoacAn, 1940-1980

