Late Pleistocene Human used Rice in Sri Lanka: Phytolith Investigation of the Deposits at Fahien Rockshelter


  • Rathnasiri Premathilake

  • Chris O. Hunt


fahien rock shelter; sediment; stratigraphy; phytoliths; rice;sri lanka


Phytolith microscopic plant silicate bodies evidence suggests that anatomically modern humans lived at Fahien rock shelterin the south-western Sri Lanka intensively used wild rice species e g Oryza cf nivara in association with lowland rain forests from 48 35ka 48 350 calyrs BP The intensive use of wild rice could be a local innovation

How to Cite

Rathnasiri Premathilake, & Chris O. Hunt. (2017). Late Pleistocene Human used Rice in Sri Lanka: Phytolith Investigation of the Deposits at Fahien Rockshelter. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 17(D2), 19–29. Retrieved from

Late Pleistocene Human used Rice in Sri Lanka: Phytolith Investigation of the Deposits at Fahien Rockshelter

