The Nexus between Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Development in Ethiopia: Review of Existing Literature


  • Wassie Kebede

  • Sebsib Belay


indigenous knowledge, culture, development, ethiopia


This article synthesizes the findings from review of existing literature on the links between culture indigenous knowledge and development in Ethiopia Culture and indigenous knowledge have paramount contribution to development It is very recently that culture becomes the agenda in the development discourses Ethiopia is endowed with hundreds and thousands of tangible and intangible cultural heritages The influence of culture on politics and economy is significant in Ethiopia and government policy shapes culture in the Country The review of existing literature indicates that little attention is paid by the majority of the authors to show the links between indigenous knowledge culture and development Many of the articles reviewed in this study are not rigor enough to contribute towards development by providing sufficient knowledge on culture and tradition It is safe to conclude that knowledge production in the areas of culture and indigenous knowledge in Ethiopia is at the infancy stage Many of the existing studies in the area are not pioneered by Ethiopian scholars

How to Cite

Wassie Kebede, & Sebsib Belay. (2017). The Nexus between Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Development in Ethiopia: Review of Existing Literature. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 17(C4), 1–7. Retrieved from

The Nexus between Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Development in Ethiopia: Review  of Existing Literature

