Differences in Mathematics and Science Achievement by Grade 5 and Grade 8 Student Economic Status: A Multiyear, Statewide Study


  • John R. Slate

  • Pamela B. Anderson

  • George W. Moore


science achievement, mathematics achievement, student economic status


Differences present in average raw scores of Grade 5 and Grade 8 students on the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness STAAR Mathematics and Science exams were analyzed with regard to student economic status Test results were examined for four school years i e 2011- 2012 through 2014-2015 Statistically significant results were present for all STAAR Mathematics and Science exams for each year and each grade analyzed Represented in the analysis were moderate effect sizes Cohen s d each year of the study for the Grade 5 STAAR Mathematics scores Grade 5 STAAR Science scores Grade 8 STAAR Science scores and the 2014-2015 Grade 8 exams STAAR Mathematics scores However the differences in the Grade 8 STAAR Mathematics scores represented a small effect size for the 2011-2012 through the 2013-2014 years

How to Cite

John R. Slate, Pamela B. Anderson, & George W. Moore. (2017). Differences in Mathematics and Science Achievement by Grade 5 and Grade 8 Student Economic Status: A Multiyear, Statewide Study. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 17(H5), 15–26. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/2332

Differences in Mathematics and Science Achievement by Grade 5 and Grade 8 Student Economic Status: A Multiyear, Statewide Study

