Migrant Workers Rights under the Ethiopian Legal System


  • Kidus Meskele Ashine



The FDRE Constitution clearly states that freedom of movement as one of the basic human rights is protected in Ethiopia Art 32 Using this right many Ethiopians have and are moving from place to place for earning a living or various other reasons within the country and abroad Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs MoLSA estimates that around 1 5 million Ethiopians had left the country illegally between the years 2008 and 2014 While 480 480 Ethiopians went to Arab countries legally during these years 1 It is only a recent phenomenon that the 30 Ethiopian migrant workers were beheaded in Libya by ISIS whose evil act put all Ethiopians in deep sorrow Furthermore when terrible stories and the sufferings of a huge number of Ethiopians particularly women living and working in Middle East countries had become common phenomena the government had banned Human Rights Watch 2012 the travel for Middle East countries with a view to protecting its citizens from harsh treatments and sufferings in the hands of illegal Foreign Employment agencies and irresponsible employers as well Following these and other similar events the Ethiopia government has taken and is taking different legal political and practical measures that aimed at protecting Ethiopia migrant workers abroad The main objective of this term paper is therefore to critically evaluate the Ethiopia legal system in respect to the protection it makes available to the rights of migrant workers

How to Cite

Kidus Meskele Ashine. (2016). Migrant Workers Rights under the Ethiopian Legal System. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 16(H6), 23–27. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/1938

Migrant Workers Rights under the Ethiopian Legal System

