Does Microcredit Support Get Women Empowerment?: Case of Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) in Bangladesh


  • Jannatul Ferdous


economic empowerment, micro-credit, gender, women, Bangladesh


Women contain half of the total population of Bangladesh and as in the situation in most developing countries or lower middle income countries are reflected the less important sex getting discriminatory action in the household and workstation Though the position and influence of women have enhanced radically as Grameen Bank unlocked its doors before thirty years In spite of some critics the vast mainstream of scholars comes to the decision that microcredit loans stimulated poor women and considerably improved their self-respect and confidence and in this manner they are empowered Not only have Bangladeshi women achieved an upper position in the society because of microcredit then besides the Bangladesh s financial condition has aided from the attachment of so many other people and businesses into the national economy

How to Cite

Jannatul Ferdous. (2015). Does Microcredit Support Get Women Empowerment?: Case of Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 15(A10), 57–66. Retrieved from

Does Microcredit Support Get Women Empowerment?: Case of Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) in Bangladesh

