Views of Students of ASPAITE Athens on the Connection between Theory and Practice in the Context of their Microteaching


  • Klada Nektaria

  • Kafka Dimitra


microteaching, teaching methodology, educational evaluation, theory-practice


The present article aims to highlight how the pedagogical courses - specifically those of Teaching Methodology and Educational Evaluation - taught to students of ASPAITE Athens in previous semesters helped them to plan organize and implement the microteaching courses they are asked to implement in later semesters

How to Cite

Klada Nektaria, & Kafka Dimitra. (2023). Views of Students of ASPAITE Athens on the Connection between Theory and Practice in the Context of their Microteaching. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 23(G2), 31–39. Retrieved from

Views of Students of ASPAITE Athens on the Connection between Theory and Practice in the Context of their Microteaching

