Criterion to Interpretation of Prevision in the Liability


  • Campos Cuesta, L.P.


prevision, predictability, unpredictability, criteria, interpretation, liability


The approach towards understanding forecast predictability or unpredictability arises due to the need to understand uncertainty and to have objective criteria that provide certainty to liability lawsuits it was possible to establish the existence of a criterion called Red Point that locates the exposed context or staging -in the immediate future in which envisions or visualizes the high probability of the damage occurring- For your precision we have identified two types of processes which are part of the criteria and will allow the identification of the context in which the evaluates responsibility namely it deals with the linear process and the circular process

How to Cite

Campos Cuesta, L.P. (2023). Criterion to Interpretation of Prevision in the Liability. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(F8), 59–65. Retrieved from

Criterion to Interpretation of Prevision in the Liability

