Literature Review: Studies on Spirituality in Moral Development for Teacher Practice


  • Lucas Guilherme Tetzlaff de Gerone

  • Patricia Unger Raphael Bataglia

  • Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho

  • Cristiane Paiva Alves.



espiritualidade desenvolvimento moral docente


This research aims to review the literature on spirituality morals and education It sought studies that related these three fields and proposed a reflection on spirituality in moral development specifically in the teaching practice The studies found demonstrate an etymological relationship between the researched fields as well as correlations with the teacher s practice in the search for integral and humanized education in the understanding of values and human rights and as a resource to find professional and personal meaning and purpose and religious education is linked to values such as respect fraternity solidarity well-being and the moral development of the school community

How to Cite

Lucas Guilherme Tetzlaff de Gerone, Patricia Unger Raphael Bataglia, Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho, & Cristiane Paiva Alves. (2022). Literature Review: Studies on Spirituality in Moral Development for Teacher Practice. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(G11), 23–32.

Literature Review: Studies on Spirituality in Moral Development for Teacher Practice

