Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and their Market Share


  • Dr. Bilal Ahmad Sheikh

  • Dr. Yamini Raut

  • Dr. F.A. Shaheen

  • Dr. Omer Fayaz Khan

  • Dr. Imran Mehraj Dar


SWOT analysis, agri-business and agri-entrepreneurship, income and growth


Agribusiness venture has huge function in the economy to foster rural development in the nation The current agribusiness venture in UT of Jammu and Kashmir is mainly in the nature of food processing units They have implications on food security and essential necessities of human beings The present study aims at recognizing qualities shortcomings opportunities and threats for agribusiness ventures with economic and financial perspectives in UT of Jammu and Kashmir to capture market share

How to Cite

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Sheikh, Dr. Yamini Raut, Dr. F.A. Shaheen, Dr. Omer Fayaz Khan, & Dr. Imran Mehraj Dar. (2022). Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and their Market Share. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(H7), 37–44. Retrieved from

Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and their Market Share

