Relationships between Bourdieu and Moscovici to Rethink Teacher Education


  • Maria de Fátima Barbosa Abdalla


social representations, dispositions and taking positions, relationship between theory and practice


The text intends to systematize the founding principles and concepts of the theories of Bourdieu and Moscovici to rethink teacher education A relational reading of the spaces of positions dispositions and assuming of positions in the educational field is favored in the case of Bourdieu From a dimensional analysis in Moscovici one seeks to understand the social representations their evolution and functions in guiding behavior and in communication The text identifies clues that strengthen the relationship between the authors and problematize teacher training highlighting the need for the teacher to take a position based on his intentions to make the relationship between theory and practice a construction of meaning and to establish a relationship between language thought and communication Finally it indicates possibilities so that a professional project is defended in the whole of educational practices that are committed to a more equitable democratic and humane education


How to Cite

Maria de Fátima Barbosa Abdalla. (2022). Relationships between Bourdieu and Moscovici to Rethink Teacher Education. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(G8), 7–14. Retrieved from

Relationships between Bourdieu and Moscovici to Rethink Teacher Education

