Features of Consulting Services for the Formation of Key Indicators of Economic Security of Entrepreneurial Activity


  • Vladislav Bessarabov


threats to economic security; indicators of economic security; signals of threats to economic security


The article develops a scientific and methodological approach to the formation of key indicators of the economic security of entrepreneurial activity in the system of consulting services which is distinguished by a clear and consistent study of the stages of its implementation in the context of their target and practical orientation based on a matrix for comparing the causes and signals of threats to economic security in their areas occurrence for its complex diagnostics The purpose of the article is achieved through the consistent application of the following research methods observation generalization comparison - to analyze and justify threats to the economic security of entrepreneurial activity abstract-logical analysis - to highlight the forms of consulting in the field of economic security of entrepreneurial activity modeling - to substantiate the structure and content of the proposed approach to the formation of key indicators of the economic security of entrepreneurial activity


How to Cite

Vladislav Bessarabov. (2022). Features of Consulting Services for the Formation of Key Indicators of Economic Security of Entrepreneurial Activity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(E5), 69–75. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/102783

Features of Consulting Services for the Formation of Key Indicators of Economic Security of Entrepreneurial Activity

