Zbynek Zbyslav Stransky’s Museological Impact on Spain


  • Francisca Hernández Hernández


z z stránský, museological theory, scientific discipline, spanish museologists, museological education


Analyzing the trajectory of Z Z Str nsk s museological thinking and his commitment to the scientific character of museology allows us to assess the importance of his museological legacy 1 It is not surprising that his contributions have served as a point of reference for many museologists worldwide The direct contact Str nsk had with Spanish museologists established through the debates held at ICOFOM and the ISSOM courses makes it important to consider his influence on Spanish museology Moreover the study of the philosophical-scientific context which is the basis of the entire concept of metamuseology has served as a stimulus for Spanish museologists to direct their research work towards new museological currents Indeed they have done so in the conviction that they are providing a way of conceiving museology that is more in line with the needs of contemporary museums

How to Cite

Francisca Hernández Hernández. (2021). Zbynek Zbyslav Stransky’s Museological Impact on Spain. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(A12), 21–34. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/102595

Zbynek Zbyslav Stransky’s Museological Impact on Spain

